Akhilesh Yadav New Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh before the day of counting
Ya, I know that tomorrow is the day of counting, then how Akhilesh Yadav becomes the Chief Minister before the day of counting:
Akhilesh Yadav Illustration by Iconscout Store is licensec underCC BY 4.0
According to the Latest News from UP, National vice president Qasim Chaudhary congratulated Akhilesh Yadav on becoming the next chief Miniter of UP before the day of counting.
Maybe Samajwadi Party doesn't have patience,
Qasim Chaudhary already declared Akhilesh Yadav as a Chief Minister of UP.
Let's see tomorrow is this going to happen or not.
The Counting start on tomorrow 10th March from 06:00 AM